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June 30, 2009
"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other."
John Adams
June 25, 2009
People, people wake up! Government run health care? It cannot be done. Has anyone asked lately what happen to the 2.3 trillion dollars that the Department of Defense (black budget or black hole) could not account for for the fiscal year 1999? Or, what about the 1.7 trillion in 1998. And for fiscal year 2000, they reported a 1.1 trillion dollar loss.
Below are figures quoted from Government At The Brink - Volume II. An Agency by Agency Examination of Federal Government Management Problems Facing the Bush Administration - Senator Fred Thompson, Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate Washington, DC June, 2001. (for your own personal copy: http://hsgac.senate.gov)
Quote from page 16. "The Defense Department’s poor financial management affects every aspect of its operations. In very cold language, the IG details the problems:
We identified deficiencies in internal controls and accounting systems related to
General Property, Plant, and Equipment; Inventory; Environmental Liabilities; Military Retirement Health Benefits Liability; and material lines within the Statement of Budgetary Resources. We identified $1.1 trillion in department-level accounting entries to financial data used to prepare DOD component financial statements that were not supported by adequate audit trails or by sufficient evidence to determine their validity.5 There is no major component of the Defense Department that can balance its books. This causes some of the most incredible examples of waste, fraud, and abuse in government. For example:
In fiscal year 2000, the Department made $4.4 billion in “problem disbursements” or “intransit disbursements.” These include payments made that do not have a corresponding
bill or “obligation.” They can also include payments that were made, but that the entity to whom payment was made did not receive it. As one can imagine, these payments are highly susceptible to fraud or error."
Footnote included: [5Department of Defense, Office of Inspector General, “Internal Controls and Compliance With Laws and Regulations for the DoD Agency-Wide Financial Statements for FY 2000,” D-2001-070 (February 28, 2001).]
Now, I would also like to share a page from that same report, showing a "complex contract payment process" (words from the report not mine):
I am sorry, but my copy doesn't show the color added to better describe where the arrows are linking to, but I believe you get the picture. Chaos begets chaos. The American people cannot afford to continue dumping more dollars (i.e. health care) on top of existing bad dollars (i.e Dept. of Defense waste). It has proven not to work. What makes us believe it will work now?
Below are figures quoted from Government At The Brink - Volume II. An Agency by Agency Examination of Federal Government Management Problems Facing the Bush Administration - Senator Fred Thompson, Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate Washington, DC June, 2001. (for your own personal copy: http://hsgac.senate.gov)
Quote from page 16. "The Defense Department’s poor financial management affects every aspect of its operations. In very cold language, the IG details the problems:
We identified deficiencies in internal controls and accounting systems related to
General Property, Plant, and Equipment; Inventory; Environmental Liabilities; Military Retirement Health Benefits Liability; and material lines within the Statement of Budgetary Resources. We identified $1.1 trillion in department-level accounting entries to financial data used to prepare DOD component financial statements that were not supported by adequate audit trails or by sufficient evidence to determine their validity.5 There is no major component of the Defense Department that can balance its books. This causes some of the most incredible examples of waste, fraud, and abuse in government. For example:
In fiscal year 2000, the Department made $4.4 billion in “problem disbursements” or “intransit disbursements.” These include payments made that do not have a corresponding
bill or “obligation.” They can also include payments that were made, but that the entity to whom payment was made did not receive it. As one can imagine, these payments are highly susceptible to fraud or error."
Footnote included: [5Department of Defense, Office of Inspector General, “Internal Controls and Compliance With Laws and Regulations for the DoD Agency-Wide Financial Statements for FY 2000,” D-2001-070 (February 28, 2001).]
Now, I would also like to share a page from that same report, showing a "complex contract payment process" (words from the report not mine):
I am sorry, but my copy doesn't show the color added to better describe where the arrows are linking to, but I believe you get the picture. Chaos begets chaos. The American people cannot afford to continue dumping more dollars (i.e. health care) on top of existing bad dollars (i.e Dept. of Defense waste). It has proven not to work. What makes us believe it will work now?
June 24, 2009
ACORN Wants To Reinvent Itself
WHY would any legitimate corporation want to change its name? The name ACORN, and its symbol, the acorn, seems friendly enough. It costs a lot of money to make the change, i.e., re-register, change logos, change publications, paperwork, attorney fees on and on. BUT, if you wanted to get rid of a bad image, name change is the way to go. But, it probably doesn't have anything to do with the fact that the founder, Wade Rathke's, covered up his brother's $1 million embezzlement from ACORN's accounting and financial services arm
Citizen Consulting Incorporated.
ACORN is a parent company for over 270 organizations and unions spread internationally. However, all the funding received is filtered through Citizen Consulting Incorporated. I believe it would only be fair to have ACORN and CCI investigated since in does interact with so many affiliates and a large portion of ACORN's funds (more than $53 million has been awarded) come from the taxpayers. The eight members of ACORN-8 sure want to know and I feel they have a right to know.
An amendment offered up for discussion by Congressman Steve King (Rep IA), was crushed by the Democrats. According to the Congressman King's Web site: King introduced an amendment to keep the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) out of the 2010 Census, effectively barring taxpayer dollars in the bill provided to the Census Bureau from being disbursed to ACORN. King also introduced an amendment that would bar any taxpayer dollars in the bill from being provided to ACORN. Citizens Against Government Waste concur with his sentiment. However, I don't hold out much hope for any real action toward ACORN unless more taxpayers complain to Congress because of ACORN's relationship with President Obama.
Be sure to watch to see who will be handling the bulk of the 2010 census? Just remember that new name, Community Organizations International.
Citizen Consulting Incorporated.
ACORN is a parent company for over 270 organizations and unions spread internationally. However, all the funding received is filtered through Citizen Consulting Incorporated. I believe it would only be fair to have ACORN and CCI investigated since in does interact with so many affiliates and a large portion of ACORN's funds (more than $53 million has been awarded) come from the taxpayers. The eight members of ACORN-8 sure want to know and I feel they have a right to know.
An amendment offered up for discussion by Congressman Steve King (Rep IA), was crushed by the Democrats. According to the Congressman King's Web site: King introduced an amendment to keep the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) out of the 2010 Census, effectively barring taxpayer dollars in the bill provided to the Census Bureau from being disbursed to ACORN. King also introduced an amendment that would bar any taxpayer dollars in the bill from being provided to ACORN. Citizens Against Government Waste concur with his sentiment. However, I don't hold out much hope for any real action toward ACORN unless more taxpayers complain to Congress because of ACORN's relationship with President Obama.
Be sure to watch to see who will be handling the bulk of the 2010 census? Just remember that new name, Community Organizations International.
June 12, 2009
Internet free ride soon over
Gordon Farrer @business.theage.com.au
June 13, 2009
WITHIN five years internet users will have to pay to access content now free, according to Barry Diller, chief executive of InterActiveCorp in the United States, which runs about 30 websites and turns over $US1.5 billion ($A1.8 billion) each year.
"I absolutely believe the internet is passing from its free days into a paid system," he told the Advertising 2.0 conference in New York this week.
Mr Diller said the paid model would include subscriptions, one-time purchases for access to sites and micro-payments.
But not all agree. "That's quite a prediction," said Neil Ackland, managing director of the Sound Alliance Group, the largest independent online publisher in Australia. Its niche music and lifestyle sites — such as FasterLouder, SameSame and Mess+Noise — attract 500,000 unique hits a month.
continue Pay To Surf The Net
Gordon Farrer @business.theage.com.au
June 13, 2009
WITHIN five years internet users will have to pay to access content now free, according to Barry Diller, chief executive of InterActiveCorp in the United States, which runs about 30 websites and turns over $US1.5 billion ($A1.8 billion) each year.
"I absolutely believe the internet is passing from its free days into a paid system," he told the Advertising 2.0 conference in New York this week.
Mr Diller said the paid model would include subscriptions, one-time purchases for access to sites and micro-payments.
But not all agree. "That's quite a prediction," said Neil Ackland, managing director of the Sound Alliance Group, the largest independent online publisher in Australia. Its niche music and lifestyle sites — such as FasterLouder, SameSame and Mess+Noise — attract 500,000 unique hits a month.
continue Pay To Surf The Net
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- Sandy22
- Utah, United States
- I am a retired grandmother who lost her husband of 42 years in 2010, to cancer. I relocated from Ventura, CA to a community near Salt Lake City, Utah to be with my son, daughter-in-law and two granddaughters. I am a believer in Jeshua our Lord and in the true Saturday Sabbath as our worship day. I am learning more and more about what our role is here on Earth as well as what it will be when Yeshua returns. I love to study our Lord, crochet, watercolors, and writing.poetry. I would love to hear from others who share my interest; come visit and share your interests with me. Let''s talk.
JULY 4 - Time For Tea
The American people came out on July 4 to protest high taxes and run-a-way government spending. From 11:00 till 2:00 p.m., citizens of Ventura, CA came out to show their support for less taxes and less government interference. As a spectator and one who attended the first Ventura Tea Party, I would say we doubled the turnout of patriots.
All across the country the signs, flags and banners that were carried at the tea parties showed the position that the American people are taking toward its government. They are mad and they are not going to take it anymore!