October 31, 2008


It appears that Obama is getting ready to prepare his supporters with a dose of reality! According to Tim Reid, The Times of London, "Barack Obama's senior advisers have drawn up plans to lower expectations for his presidency if he wins next week's election, amid concerns that many of his euphoric supporters are harboring unrealistic hopes of what he can achieve.

The sudden financial crisis and the prospect of a deep and painful recession have increased the urgency inside the Obama team to bring people down to earth, after a campaign in which his soaring rhetoric and promises of "hope" and "change" are now confronted with the reality of a stricken economy."

Are we conservatives surprised? No. The hand writing was on the wall. Barack Obama has and still is very good at "stretching or distorting" what isn't. Promise them anything as long as they are willing to hear it and buy into it! Notice what the quote above says, "...drawing up plans to lower expectations for his presidency if he wins..." Another "let's not give them too much bad truth now but wait until I've got the position locked in." Folks, this is the true colors of Barack Obama.

We all have expectations. The dictionary states that the word expectation means: a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future. However, along with expectations we must weigh it against reality. Obama's expectations have over shot reality with too much hype. The reality is that there is not enough money to do all the things Obama has told the American people he will do. And, he told them this knowingly. Simple as that. Now, once again, he wants to change his "speech and his direction" so people will more likely accept the truth when it hits them after the election. He is for change alright. He is for changing his story to fit his need.

Wake up America.

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Utah, United States
I am a retired grandmother who lost her husband of 42 years in 2010, to cancer. I relocated from Ventura, CA to a community near Salt Lake City, Utah to be with my son, daughter-in-law and two granddaughters. I am a believer in Jeshua our Lord and in the true Saturday Sabbath as our worship day. I am learning more and more about what our role is here on Earth as well as what it will be when Yeshua returns. I love to study our Lord, crochet, watercolors, and writing.poetry. I would love to hear from others who share my interest; come visit and share your interests with me. Let''s talk.



JULY 4 - Time For Tea

The American people came out on July 4 to protest high taxes and run-a-way government spending. From 11:00 till 2:00 p.m., citizens of Ventura, CA came out to show their support for less taxes and less government interference. As a spectator and one who attended the first Ventura Tea Party, I would say we doubled the turnout of patriots.

All across the country the signs, flags and banners that were carried at the tea parties showed the position that the American people are taking toward its government. They are mad and they are not going to take it anymore!
